Find a field

A single module can have multiple pages and many fields. The Find a Field utility provides a quick way to locate any field in a module and move directly to it.

  1. Select Edit>Find a Field from the Menu bar


    Press the F3 key.

    The Find a Field box displays. All fields in the module are listed alphabetically along with the Tab on which they are located. The first field is highlighted:

    Find a Field

    This Find a Field box was accessed in the Parties module and lists every available field in this module.

  2. Either:
    1. Scroll through the list and select the field your are looking for


      Begin to type the field name in the Field text box.

      The highlight moves to the closest match as you type.

      In this example, we're looking for the Department: (Organization Details) field. As we enter Department in the Field text box the highlight moves to Department: (Department). Not the field we want, but the first match to the word we entered in the Field text box.

      Note: The same field name can be used on several tabs in the same module. To identify which field is which in the Find a Field box, the name of the Tab is listed beside the name of the Field. In the example below, there are two Department fields, one on the Organization tab, the other on the Security tab.
      Also, most field names are followed by a name in brackets, e.g. Department: (Department). The bracketed name is the name of the group of fields (known as a Group BoxClosedA group of fields with a common field label and box border. In the Parties module on the Person tab, the Person Details group box includes six fields: Title, First, Middle, Last, Suffix, Other Names.) to which this field belongs.

  3. If the field you are after is not selected, select it:

    Find a Field

  4. Click OK.

    The tab containing the field you are after displays and the field has focus (you could commence typing into it).